Strategy and Alignment

Take the pain out of strategy execution and learn how to communicate your vision with power with these Lighthouse NINE articles on strategy and alignment. In today’s competitive landscape, the harmony between strategic vision and teamwork is crucial for success. Whether you’re an executive, entrepreneur, or team leader, our insights empower you to navigate complexities, craft robust strategies, and foster cohesive collaboration. Join us on a journey of exploration as we delve into strategies that drive businesses forward with aligned teams.


Communicating Your Vision With Power

Sounds easy, but we can take for granted the impact and potential that frequent and targeted communication can have within organizations. A strong vision provides a sense of purpose for employees, a reason to go the extra mile, to go beyond expectations and really drive for results. Clarity on how the organization will embrace the future, what will change and

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Taking the Pain Out Of Strategy Execution

In a recent blog we highlighted what we consistently see as the top 5 pitfalls in executing strategy. The fix may be easy but not without the right amount of attention and focus. The following outlines what needs to happen to ensure success. Communicate strategic initiatives and goals through the entire organization: At every opportunity help employees see how they

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Avoiding Pitfalls of Strategy Execution

In recent surveys it was noted that only 5% of organizational workforces understand strategy. Alarming? Perhaps. It is certainly worthy of further discussion. We might think that if it’s the 5% at the top of the organization then maybe it’s OK. However, senior leaders who understand strategy execution know better. If you are serious about rallying the organization around strategy there are

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Talent Management – Un-cluttering the Noise

There is so much noise in the marketplace around talent management – what it entails, how to implement, how to track, what to do with the information and what approach is most effective. So what do we really need? There are 3 key areas of focus required to ensure successful talent management: Organization Knowledge Management Strength and Courage Effective Processes

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