
Revenue Growth Management; Your Path to Sustainable Topline Growth

Revenue Growth Management (RGM) is a function that looks holistically at an organization and balances different growth strategies or levers to increase sustainable topline growth. It sounds straightforward but becomes complex as it involves cross-department collaboration and embedding a new discipline for making decisions into the operating cadence of your business.


Think You Want a Culture of Accountability?

So you think you want a culture of accountability? Well that’s great! There is a significant amount of evidence that organizations with accountable people have higher engagement and performance; simply Google “link between accountability and performance” and you will have over 100,000 articles to validate this point. But let’s assume your “gut” instinct is already there, and the promise of

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HPT – High Performing Teams Are No Myth

I owe much of my discipline and work ethic to my early football experiences. I know many people may not relate, but the grid-iron taught me more than how to compete in sport. The most successful team I played on was my senior varsity team, which went to the provincial championships. Our success was not just a factor of collective

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Hard Knock Lessons on Cost Effective Hiring

I am writing this article because I heard a story over the weekend that mirrored one to my own experiences, and I wanted to make sure that others could learn from it so that we do not keep repeating the same hiring mistakes. My story began like this… When we finally parted ways, both of us were relieved. Eighteen months

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Managing the Impact of Change

Managing the Impact of Change | We formed Lighthouse NINE Group to help organizations improve their performance. Through our work, we are acutely aware that nothing creates leadership insomnia more than the strain of dealing with change. At Lighthouse NINE Group, we emphasize a grass-roots approach to managing change, where employee engagement is critical to success. We believe this is the best

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The Power of Being Purposeful with Positive Primes

I recently completed a virtual course on Positive Psychology. It is a rising area of study that is making waves, especially in the coaching world. Caroline Adams Miller, MAPP, offered the course during which she shares an evidence based approach to being positive and flourishing. One of the most critical learnings I took away from the training is the importance

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Getting Over the Conference Call Blahs

Do your conference calls feel like this for you:   Watch Video


A Call to Canadian Packaged Goods Companies: “Stop talking trade spend, start acting trade investment”

In March when Loblaw announced it had completed the acquisition of Shoppers Drug Mart, I read many articles where industry watchers prognosticated how great the merged company would be for Canadian consumers. My point of view was quite different. Leading up to this moment we have seen a long trend of Canadian retailer consolidation from over 20 with scale, to

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Readying Your Sales Organization for the New Hunt: “The Empowered Customers”

Most of us work in an era where our customers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and empowered. Empowered customers possess the information to identify what they need and the range of options available to them, they possess personnel skilled in cost and (project) risk management, and many implement networked decision making. Any combination of these dynamics makes selling to empowered customers

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