Insight and Customer Activation

Leveraging data for business insights and customer activation can be critical for organizational growth and effective leadership. Learn the value of insights and optimization your customer activation with these Lighthouse NINE Group articles that focus on the Big Data dilemma and give advice when you are sick of Big Data.


Are You Sick of Big Data Yet?

I have to admit that I am starting to get there, and technically I get paid for helping clients make sense of their big data so I really need to stay engaged in it. What I have seen is a feeling of being overwhelmed by too much data, by the massive project planning and data collection involved in gathering it

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The Big Data Dilemma

Do you feel buried in too many reports, enslaved by dashboards and lost in the red, yellow and green of scorecards?  Do you feel like your company has the data you need but just doesn’t quite know what to do with it?  If you are feeling overwhelmed by ‘big data’, you are not alone.  In a recent MIT research study

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Can You Teach Analytical Thinking?

I have been asked this question many times in my career and I have never been able to answer it with absolute certainty – until now! Analytical thinking is both a process AND a mindset. Can we shape how we think about things? Of course, we can. Can we adopt processes to enhance the way we do things? Of course, we

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