Online Assessments

Please find below a list of assessment tools that Lighthouse NINE is certified to use with our clients. For a detailed description, please click on the link below:

Extended DISC®

discMake better business decisions – with confidence. Extended DISC® provides you with the information to maximize the performance of your employees. Eliminate expensive mistakes, wasted resources and time, and costly problems – Extended DISC® provides you with the information you need.

Personality Dimensions®

personalitydimensionsPersonality Dimensions® represents the next level of evolution in presenting temperament or personality theory. This dynamic tool is the culmination of the research and validation work that was done in Canada for over a decade, to support temperament theory, and to provide an easily understood methodology for building self-awareness, self-esteem, and effective communication strategies.


mbtiThe MBTI assessment is used to develop individuals, teams, and organizations to meet today’s challenges in such areas as communication, team building, leadership, and career management. Individuals and organizations, including many Fortune 500 companies, use more than 2 million assessments worldwide each year. Form M of the instrument has 93 items and provides the basic MBTI four-letter type, while Form Q has 144 items and provides not only the four-letter type but also results for 20 facets of that type.

Emotional Quotient Inventory

logo-baron-eqThe Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i®) is the first scientifically validated and most widely used Emotional Intelligence assessment in the world. Based on more than 20 years of research worldwide, the EQ-i examines an individual’s social and emotional strengths and weaknesses. Respondents self-report on their life and workplace performance in 15 key areas of emotional skill that have been proven to contribute to proficiency in complex business activities such as conflict resolution and planning.


TKI logoTKI  Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument enables you to understand the conflict modes you use and as a team work together to expand your repertoire and use the modes best suited to exact a successful outcome.


assess-systems-logo-whiteAssess360 , a multirater feedback tool, collects and reports anonymous feedback from an individual’s peers, boss, direct reports, and customers. Assess360 offers a powerful combination of flexibility and depth of content. Key benefits of Assess360 include: Dimensions and behaviors populated directly from your organization’s competency model; Comprehensive feedback includes competency rankings, behavior ratings, detailed development suggestions and action planning guidance; Efficient process – rate multiple people at the same time.

Lominger VOICES®

Lominger_LogoVOICES®, is Lominger research based and experience tested solution for delivering 360 feedback that helps career minded people to succeed.


The Integrative Enneagram creates self-awareness and uncovers the patterns of behaviour that sub-consciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways.


The FIRO-B® (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior™) instrument helps individuals understand their behavior and the behavior of others. With the insights of an individual’s interpersonal needs it can help improve workplace interactions.

Kolbe Instruments

Kolbe Instruments
Backed by more than 30 years of research and practical applications, they provide an amazingly accurate map of an individual’s natural instincts, or modus operandi (M.O.).

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