At Lighthouse NINE we are driven to ignite new possibilities by increasing people’s confidence and unlocking unexpected potential. We get excited by enabling people to achieve meaningful impacts through themselves and others and are inspired by organizations who create space for people to succeed.
As we have worked with these purposeful organizations, we have come to discover the following five critical components that exist, which enhance team engagement and organizational performance.
Clarity – Purposeful organizations prioritize the capturing and articulating of their Purpose, Mission, Vision & Values (PMVV). These shared statements provide a touchstone for all their team members.
Connection – Purposeful organizations create environments, processes and mechanisms where team members easily connect to, participate with and contribute towards their PMVV. These connections ‘make it personal’ and ensure alignment and momentum.
Accountability – Purposeful organizations set clear objectives, hold each other accountable and support team members towards success both individually and organizationally. We all understand that knowing what to do isn’t always enough to ensure that we will do it.
Value – Purposeful organizations ensure team members feel valued, are treated fairly and are recognized & rewarded for their unique and collective contribution. Celebration, both customized and corporate, is the fuel which accelerates success.
Investment – Purposeful organizations are committed to growth and development to enhance the potential of the individual and the organization. Experience-based opportunities create career resilience and support advancement. Over the past 20 years, a commitment to personal investment has been identified in numerous Engagement studies as a ‘top five’ contributor to talent retention and performance.
I realize this is not a catchy acronym, it is, however, a critical formula for success. A focused commitment to these five simple areas will enhance your team engagement and organizational performance. Making these priority components of your people strategy will ignite surprising new possibilities for yourself, your team and your organization.
For more information on how to ignite new possibilities within your organization, contact the Lighthouse NINE Group.
Greg Smith
Lighthouse NINE Group
One Eva Road, Suite 209 | Etobicoke, ON M9C 4Z5
Office: 289-834-3963
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