We have spoken with hundreds of Executives about working from home in recent months. One said to me ‘it’s working, we are more productive’. Another said ‘when people are not in the office, we are not sure how productive they are’.
Leadership roles are hard to find. Once you have one you want to keep it. Are you brave enough to recognize when it’s time to show the leadership to give it up?
“Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate and to connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives.” Which business academic said that? Actually it was Oprah Winfrey, who as we know runs a very successful business and has connected successfully with millions. Quoted by Daniel H. Pink in his book, ‘A
Things are uncertain, things are moving fast, and things are changing quickly. The environment is ambiguous and the future is less certain. There is pressure on you as a leader to ‘really lead’ and to have answers. What if you don’t have the answers, but you can help your teams toward a solution through Coaching? First of all, are you
There is lots of recent management literature about purpose and creating meaning in life. The old adage is ‘do what you love and the rest will come’. In the chatter, we often see the soundbites, but not the substance. As Executive Coaches, we spend time with Clients deeply understanding how clear Executives are on their purpose. There are normally 5 reasons
We have all been in those meetings, with those people who have the ‘data point’ nobody else has, those individuals that have prepared the answers to 100 questions in case 2 are asked. The ‘knowledge is power’ meetings”. This type of culture results in inherently political and self-serving behavior unless the knowledge is harnessed for the benefit of creating a high performing
‘Jim Hamerling said in his Ted Talk “5 Ways to Lead in an Era of Constant Change” that this was the era of ‘always-on transformation’. We continue to hear organizations talk about ‘too many initiatives’, ‘change fatigue’, ‘the Head Office is not listening’, and ‘this is just a downsizing being called a transformation’. As Jim observes ‘always-on transformation’ sounds exhausting. How
Recently much has been made of ‘big data’, the ‘internet of things’, the importance of ‘extra organizational networks’ in business. Business 4.0. The fundamentals of these dialogues are terrific but are based on one fundamental principle, connectivity. Connectivity increasingly requires technology as an enabler, but it is often presented as an end in itself. The most valuable asset in any
It is a well-trodden cliche to talk about business transformation, using the examples of Blockbuster Video versus Netflix, AirBnB versus hotel booking sites and UBER versus taxis. In the end, business is about growth. Growth is about building value through people and brands. Sounds simple. Based on the S&P 500, the lifespan of a company in 1960 was 61 years.